Monday, September 04, 2006
Following divine guidance in all my endeavors, I do my very best work.
In thought and prayer, I bless those who contribute their time, energy, and skills in work that benefits them and humanity.
I recognize the positive difference I can make when I give my attention, effort, and creativity in planning and completing a project. Accepting divine guidance in all my endeavors, I do my very best work.
Wherever I am, whatever my contribution is--whether it is at home, at school, in the community as a volunteer, or in outside employment--I am divinely led.
By doing my work with an openness to and appreciation for what others contribute, I pave the way for successful outcomes. Dedicated to excellence, I give my best. I am fulfilled and refreshed knowing my work is a labor of love.
"So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all the work that he had done in creation."--Genesis 2:3